To Live, To Love, To Learn, To Leave a Legacy… and To Laugh Along The Way.

The tagline encapsulates the way I intend to live the rest of my life. It shows the continued aspiration to live a life well-lived, highlighting the key aspects that contribute to a meaningful and fulfilling existence, while adding laughter now to enjoy its essence. Each component – living, loving, learning, and leaving a legacy – plays a unique role in shaping my experiences and relationships that may impact the world around us. Adding laughter puts the joy and the fun – and the life! – in the journey.

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Goodbye, ‘23; Hello, ‘24!

My heart goes to far-off lands: to Gaza, to Ukraine, and to other areas where hate, oppression and injustice continue to prevail. While we are lucky to enjoy  abundance and tranquility in our neck of the woods, there are brothers and sisters in these distant frontiers whose pain we must reflect on.

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Buchi’s a Big Boy Now

My grandson, Buchi, is turning 4 very soon. How he’s quickly grown from being a cute baby to a luvable toddler to an impish pre-schooler is still a surprise to me. If you ask me, I wish he’d remain that happy, cheerful kiddo whose smile could turn my cloudy days bright oh-so-effortlessly. I wish that I could enjoy his silly antics some more. I wish he’d forever stay the same fun-loving, mischievous tyke with nary a care in the world.

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